About Us

Southern River Community Garden

The Southern River Community Garden is an exciting shared space where community members can come together for community events and education, garden and food production activities, relaxation, friendship and enjoyment. The garden is a partnership between the community, Southern River College and the City of Gosnells and is generously supported by a number of sponsors.


The Garden is located at the rear of Southern River College on Anaconda Drive, Gosnells (near the roundabout off Compton Road). To date approximately half of the 4,300m2 site has been developed for the garden and currently consists of 14 garden beds planted with vegetables and fruit trees. Some beds are raised and are ideal for those with mobility restrictions. Plans have been drafted for the rear half of the garden and work is expected to commence with funding from Southern River College during 2018.


A committee of management provides direction and governance for the garden and manages a range of activities and events. Regular workshops are arranged and activities are held during school holidays for children. Members enjoy social occasions such as dinners and visits to other community gardens. A monthly busy bee followed by morning tea is held on the second Sunday of each month.

The Queen's Jubilee Garden working party